Simplify casting extension
On November 16th, before the removal of the depth condition, I tried
revising castling extensions to only handle castling moves, rather than
moves that change castling rights generally. It appeared to be a slight
Elo gain at STC but insufficient to pass [0, 4] (+0.5 Elo), but what I
overlooked was that it made pos.can_castle(us) irrelevant and should
have been a simplification. Recent discussion with @Chess13234 and
Michael Chaly (@Vizvezdenec) inspired me to take a second look, and
the simplification continues to pass when rebased on the current master.
This replaces two conditions with one, because type_of(move) == CASTLING
implies pos.can_castle(Us), allowing us to remove the latter condition.
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00]
Total: 110948 W: 24209 L: 24263 D: 62476
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00]
Total: 88283 W: 14681 L: 14668 D: 58934
Bench: 3939338