Shuffle detection #2064
Shuffle detection procedure :
Shuffling positions are detected if
the last 36 moves are reversible (rule50_count() > 36),
the position have been already in the TT,
there is a still a pawn on the board (to avoid special endings like KBN vs K).
The position is then judged as a draw.
An extension is realized if we already made 14 successive reversible moves in PV to accelerate the detection of the eventual draw.
To go further : we can still improve the idea. The length of the tests need a lot of ressources.
the limit of 36 is logic but must be checked again for special zugzwang positions,
this limit can be decreased in special positions,
the limit of 14 moves for extension has not been tuned.
LLR: -2.94 (-2.94,2.94) [0.50,4.50]
Total: 32595 W: 7273 L: 7275 D: 18047 Elo +0.43
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,3.50]
Total: 51249 W: 8807 L: 8486 D: 33956 Elo +1.85
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,3.50]
Total: 137974 W: 20503 L: 19983 D: 97488 Elo +1.05
Bench: 3548313