Further increase safe checks bonus
Passed both short TC:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-1.50,4.50]
Total: 10466 W: 2087 L: 1953 D: 6426
And long TC:
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,6.00]
Total: 26334 W: 4540 L: 4310 D: 17484
And also proved stronger than a slightly
different patch, also succesful against master:
But losing against current one in a match
at 60secs with SPRT [-3, 3]:
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,3.00]
Total: 44484 W: 7360 L: 7463 D: 29661
bench: 9160831