Double weight of capture history
We double in this patch the weight of the capture history table in the
local scoring of captures for move ordering.
The capture history table is indexed by the triplet (capturing piece,
capture square, captured piece) and gets information like "it seems to
have been historically good in that part of the search tree to capture
a pawn with a rook on g3, even if it seems to lose material", and affect
the normaly pure « Most Valuable Victim » ordering of captures.
Finished yellow at STC after 228842 games (posting a +1.36 Elo gain):
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,4.00]
Total: 228842 W: 50894 L: 50152 D: 127796
Passed LTC:
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,4.00]
Total: 43251 W: 7425 L: 7131 D: 28695
Thanks to user Vizvezdenec for running the LTC test.
Bench: 4272361