Dev Builds » 20210923-2119

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NCM plays each Stockfish dev build 20,000 times against Stockfish 15. This yields an approximate Elo difference and establishes confidence in the strength of the dev builds.


Host Duration Avg Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo

Test Detail

ID Host Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo CLI PGN


Commit ID 73018a03375b4b72ee482eb5a4a2152d7e4f0aac
Author Stéphane Nicolet
Date 2021-09-23 21:19:06 UTC
Detect search explosions This patch detects some search explosions (due to double extensions in search.cpp) which can happen in some pathological positions, and takes measures to ensure progress in search even for these pathological situations. While a small number of double extensions can be useful during search (for example to resolve a tactical sequence), a sustained regime of double extensions leads to search explosion and a non-finishing search. See the discussion in and the issue . The implemented algorithm is the following: a) at each node during search, store the current depth in the stack. Double extensions are by definition levels of the stack where the depth at ply N is strictly higher than depth at ply N-1. b) during search, calculate for each thread a running average of the number of double extensions in the last 4096 visited nodes. c) if one thread has more than 2% of double extensions for a sustained period of time (6 millions consecutive nodes, or about 4 seconds on my iMac), we decide that this thread is in an explosion state and we calm down this thread by preventing it to do any double extension for the next 6 millions nodes. To calculate the running averages, we also introduced a auxiliary class generalizing the computations of ttHitAverage variable we already had in code. The implementation uses an exponential moving average of period 4096 and resolution 1/1024, and all computations are done with integers for efficiency. ----------- Example where the patch solves a search explosion: ``` ./stockfish ucinewgame position fen 8/Pk6/8/1p6/8/P1K5/8/6B1 w - - 37 130 go infinite ``` This algorithm does not affect search in normal, non-pathological positions. We verified, for instance, that the usual bench is unchanged up to depth 20 at least, and that the node numbers are unchanged for a search of the starting position at depth 32. ------------- See Bench: 5575265
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