Dev Builds » 20230123-0601

Use this dev build

NCM plays each Stockfish dev build 20,000 times against Stockfish 15. This yields an approximate Elo difference and establishes confidence in the strength of the dev builds.


Host Duration Avg Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo
ncm-dbt-01 06:58:20 584873 3988 1184 870 1934 +27.41 ± 5.19 5 306 1055 626 2 +55.71 ± 10.45
ncm-dbt-02 06:59:40 586831 4012 1222 854 1936 +31.96 ± 5.06 0 283 1076 643 4 +63.75 ± 10.32
ncm-dbt-03 06:59:46 586601 4002 1261 825 1916 +38.0 ± 5.04 1 250 1067 678 5 +76.21 ± 10.35
ncm-dbt-04 06:59:38 571404 4000 1200 832 1968 +32.05 ± 5.07 2 275 1080 639 4 +64.31 ± 10.29
ncm-dbt-05 07:00:29 584619 3998 1218 837 1943 +33.21 ± 5.21 6 283 1038 668 4 +67.4 ± 10.54
20000 6085 4218 9697 +32.53 ± 2.29 14 1397 5316 3254 19 +65.46 ± 4.65

Test Detail

ID Host Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo CLI PGN
394893 ncm-dbt-03 585717 2 0 0 2 0.0 ± 34.02 0 0 1 0 0 0.0 ± 30.47
394892 ncm-dbt-02 587197 12 3 3 6 -0.0 ± 81.87 0 1 4 1 0 -0.0 ± 173.65
394891 ncm-dbt-01 581610 488 132 108 248 +17.1 ± 15.05 0 47 126 71 0 +34.28 ± 30.38
394890 ncm-dbt-05 583992 498 139 82 277 +39.94 ± 15.19 0 37 119 92 1 +79.5 ± 31.31
394889 ncm-dbt-04 570789 500 149 106 245 +29.95 ± 14.63 1 36 132 81 0 +61.79 ± 29.59
394888 ncm-dbt-03 587155 500 165 102 233 +44.01 ± 14.06 0 24 143 79 4 +83.57 ± 27.9
394887 ncm-dbt-02 588558 500 145 109 246 +25.06 ± 14.42 0 39 137 73 1 +48.96 ± 28.96
394886 ncm-dbt-01 584832 500 145 100 255 +31.35 ± 14.47 0 36 134 79 1 +61.79 ± 29.32
394885 ncm-dbt-05 582652 500 145 117 238 +19.48 ± 14.52 2 38 140 70 0 +41.89 ± 28.57
394884 ncm-dbt-04 571752 500 152 101 247 +35.56 ± 13.67 0 28 144 77 1 +70.44 ± 27.87
394883 ncm-dbt-02 580447 500 160 111 229 +34.16 ± 14.91 0 39 123 88 0 +68.99 ± 30.78
394882 ncm-dbt-03 586731 500 153 103 244 +34.86 ± 14.3 1 30 138 80 1 +70.44 ± 28.73
394881 ncm-dbt-01 583154 500 146 112 242 +23.66 ± 14.45 0 41 134 75 0 +47.55 ± 29.36
394880 ncm-dbt-05 582819 500 164 106 230 +40.49 ± 15.29 2 33 120 95 0 +85.04 ± 31.17
394879 ncm-dbt-04 568912 500 134 102 264 +22.26 ± 14.21 0 39 141 69 1 +43.3 ± 28.43
394878 ncm-dbt-02 586350 500 147 104 249 +29.95 ± 14.63 0 39 129 82 0 +60.36 ± 30.0
394877 ncm-dbt-03 588302 500 151 99 250 +36.26 ± 14.26 0 33 132 85 0 +73.34 ± 29.56
394876 ncm-dbt-01 586223 500 153 115 232 +26.46 ± 14.39 1 36 137 76 0 +54.65 ± 28.94
394875 ncm-dbt-05 587664 500 156 107 237 +34.16 ± 14.39 0 35 131 84 0 +68.99 ± 29.71
394874 ncm-dbt-04 573082 500 163 109 228 +37.67 ± 13.25 0 25 146 79 0 +76.25 ± 27.52
394873 ncm-dbt-02 587537 500 146 104 250 +29.25 ± 14.32 0 35 140 73 2 +56.07 ± 28.52
394872 ncm-dbt-03 581610 500 166 101 233 +45.42 ± 14.28 0 29 127 94 0 +92.46 ± 30.18
394871 ncm-dbt-01 586012 500 154 114 232 +27.86 ± 15.0 2 37 130 81 0 +58.93 ± 29.87
394870 ncm-dbt-04 569230 500 151 105 244 +32.05 ± 14.25 0 35 134 81 0 +64.66 ± 29.31
394869 ncm-dbt-05 587962 500 174 110 216 +44.72 ± 13.83 0 26 134 90 0 +90.97 ± 29.17
394868 ncm-dbt-02 586689 500 155 99 246 +39.08 ± 13.76 0 28 138 84 0 +79.17 ± 28.67
394867 ncm-dbt-03 587494 500 147 105 248 +29.25 ± 13.65 0 32 144 74 0 +58.93 ± 27.95
394866 ncm-dbt-01 586689 500 147 97 256 +34.86 ± 14.95 1 35 128 85 1 +70.44 ± 30.11
394865 ncm-dbt-04 573082 500 152 96 252 +39.08 ± 15.21 1 36 119 94 0 +80.63 ± 31.31
394864 ncm-dbt-05 583572 500 151 115 234 +25.06 ± 15.3 1 41 132 73 3 +47.55 ± 29.63
394863 ncm-dbt-03 587452 500 157 99 244 +40.48 ± 14.26 0 31 130 89 0 +82.1 ± 29.8
394862 ncm-dbt-02 587325 500 153 107 240 +32.05 ± 14.52 0 37 130 83 0 +64.66 ± 29.86
394861 ncm-dbt-01 585590 500 146 112 242 +23.66 ± 14.32 1 37 139 73 0 +48.96 ± 28.69
394860 ncm-dbt-04 571994 500 148 109 243 +27.15 ± 14.57 0 39 134 76 1 +53.22 ± 29.35
394859 ncm-dbt-03 586393 500 158 103 239 +38.37 ± 14.79 0 36 123 91 0 +77.71 ± 30.77
394858 ncm-dbt-05 582068 500 147 97 256 +34.86 ± 14.7 1 34 129 86 0 +71.89 ± 29.97
394857 ncm-dbt-02 586731 500 154 105 241 +34.16 ± 14.39 0 34 134 81 1 +67.55 ± 29.3
394856 ncm-dbt-01 584874 500 161 112 227 +34.16 ± 14.65 0 37 127 86 0 +68.99 ± 30.25
394855 ncm-dbt-04 572396 500 151 104 245 +32.75 ± 14.69 0 37 130 82 1 +64.66 ± 29.86
394854 ncm-dbt-02 590653 500 159 112 229 +32.76 ± 13.76 0 31 141 78 0 +66.1 ± 28.33
394853 ncm-dbt-03 588558 500 164 113 223 +35.56 ± 14.48 0 35 129 86 0 +71.89 ± 29.97
394852 ncm-dbt-05 586223 500 142 103 255 +27.15 ± 14.44 0 39 133 78 0 +54.65 ± 29.48


Commit ID 596a528c6a9ace6fb1a8407c86d972d96653418d
Author Linmiao Xu
Date 2023-01-23 06:01:32 UTC
Update default net to nn-bc24c101ada0.nnue Created by retraining the master net with Leela T78 data from Aug+Sep 2022 added to the previous best dataset. Trained with end lambda 0.7 and started with max epoch 800. All positions with ply <= 28 were skipped: ``` python \ --experiment-name leela95-dfrc96-filt-only-T80octnov-T60novdecT78augsepT79aprmay-12tb7p-sk28-lambda7 \ --training-dataset /data/leela95-dfrc96-filt-only-T80octnov-T60novdecT78augsepT79aprmay-12tb7p.binpack \ --nnue-pytorch-branch linrock/nnue-pytorch/misc-fixes-skip-ply-lteq-28 \ --start-from-engine-test-net True \ --gpus "0," \ --start-lambda 1.0 \ --end-lambda 0.7 \ --gamma 0.995 \ --lr 4.375e-4 \ --tui False \ --seed $RANDOM \ --max_epoch 800 ``` Around epoch 750, training was manually paused and max epoch increased to 950 before resuming. The additional Leela training data from T78 was prepared in the same way as the previous best dataset. The exact training data used can be found at: While the local elo ratings during this experiment were much lower than in recent master nets, several later epochs had a consistent elo above zero, and this was hypothesized to represent potential strength at slower time controls. Local elo at 25k nodes per move leela95-dfrc96-filt-only-T80octnov-T60novdecT78augsepT79aprmay-12tb7p-sk28-lambda7 nn-epoch819.nnue : 0.4 +/- 1.1 (nn-bc24c101ada0.nnue) nn-epoch799.nnue : 0.3 +/- 1.2 nn-epoch759.nnue : 0.3 +/- 1.1 nn-epoch839.nnue : 0.2 +/- 1.4 Passed STC LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00> Total: 41608 W: 11161 L: 10848 D: 19599 Ptnml(0-2): 116, 4496, 11281, 4781, 130 Passed LTC LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50> Total: 76760 W: 20517 L: 20137 D: 36106 Ptnml(0-2): 34, 7435, 23070, 7799, 42 closes bench 3941848
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