Update default net to nn-0dd1cebea573.nnue
Created by retraining an earlier epoch of the experiment leading to the first SFNNv6 net
on a more-randomized version of the nn-e1fb1ade4432.nnue dataset mixed with unfiltered
T80 apr2023 data. Trained using early-fen-skipping 28 and max-epoch 960.
The trainer settings and epochs used in the 5-step training sequence leading here were:
1. train from scratch for 400 epochs, lambda 1.0, constant LR 9.75e-4, T79T77-filter-v6-dd.min.binpack
2. retrain ep379, max-epoch 800, end-lambda 0.75, T60T70wIsRightFarseerT60T74T75T76.binpack
3. retrain ep679, max-epoch 800, end-lambda 0.75, skip 28, nn-e1fb1ade4432 dataset
4. retrain ep799, max-epoch 800, end-lambda 0.7, skip 28, nn-e1fb1ade4432 dataset
5. retrain ep439, max-epoch 960, end-lambda 0.7, skip 28, shuffled nn-e1fb1ade4432 + T80 apr2023
This net was epoch 559 of the final (step 5) retraining:
python3 easy_train.py \
--experiment-name L1-1536-Re4-leela96-dfrc99-T60novdec-v2-T80juntonovjanfebT79aprmayT78jantosepT77dec-v6dd-T80apr-shuffled-sk28 \
--training-dataset /data/leela96-dfrc99-T60novdec-v2-T80juntonovjanfebT79aprmayT78jantosepT77dec-v6dd-T80apr.binpack \
--nnue-pytorch-branch linrock/nnue-pytorch/misc-fixes-L1-1536 \
--early-fen-skipping 28 \
--start-lambda 1.0 \
--end-lambda 0.7 \
--max_epoch 960 \
--start-from-engine-test-net False \
--start-from-model /data/L1-1536-Re3-nn-epoch439.nnue \
--engine-test-branch linrock/Stockfish/L1-1536 \
--lr 4.375e-4 \
--gamma 0.995 \
--tui False \
--seed $RANDOM \
--gpus "0,"
During data preparation, most binpacks were unminimized by removing positions with
score 32002 (`VALUE_NONE`). This makes the tradeoff of increasing dataset filesize
on disk to increase the randomness of positions in interleaved datasets.
The code used for unminimizing is at:
For preparing the dataset used in this experiment:
python3 interleave_binpacks.py \
leela96-filt-v2.binpack \
dfrc99-16tb7p-eval-filt-v2.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test60-novdec2021-12tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test80-aug2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test80-sep2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test80-jun2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test80-jul2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test80-oct2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test80-nov2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test80-jan2023-3of3-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test80-feb2023-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test79-apr2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test79-may2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd-min/test78-jantomay2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unmin.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test78-juntosep2022-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
filt-v6-dd/test77-dec2021-16tb7p-filter-v6-dd.binpack \
test80-apr2023-2tb7p.binpack \
T80 apr2023 data was converted using lc0-rescorer with ~2tb of tablebases and can be found at:
Local elo at 25k nodes per move vs. nn-e1fb1ade4432.nnue (L1 size 1024):
nn-epoch559.nnue : 25.7 +/- 1.6
Passed STC:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00>
Total: 59200 W: 16000 L: 15660 D: 27540
Ptnml(0-2): 159, 6488, 15996, 6768, 189
Passed LTC:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50>
Total: 58800 W: 16002 L: 15657 D: 27141
Ptnml(0-2): 44, 5607, 17748, 5962, 39
closes https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/pull/4606
bench 2141197